Lifestyle Challenges
You will select one challenges for each week of the campaign. Once you implement a goal, continue it for the remainder of the challenge, adding a new goal each week. Week one you will have one goal, by week eight you should have eight simultaneously implemented lifestyle changes.
Option #1 Have water available at all times, strive for 48oz+ daily.
Option #2 Eat four daily servings of fruit and/or vegetables at least 5 days each week.
Option #3 Strive to reduce carbohydrate intake. The minimum Recommended Daily Allowance for carbs of 130 grams per day (according to Johns Hopkins); strive to keep your daily carbohydrate range from 130-170, with ½ or more of those being whole grains.
*130 grams: The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for carbs is 130 grams per day. This number is based on the amount of carbohydrate that is required to provide the brain with adequate glucose. While there is no standard definition of a low-carb diet, less than 130 grams per day is often considered low carb by medical professionals because it’s below the RDA. However, if you ask 5 people what a low-carb diet is, you will get 5 different answers. Research does show that following a low-carb diet can help with weight loss and glycemic control.* -Source: John Hopkins
Option #4 Eat one serving of protein at least 5 days each week(3 oz of fish, chicken, beef, pork; 2 tablespoons peanut butter, one egg, ½ dry beans or ¼ to 1/3 cup nuts).
Option #5 Take 10 minutes a day for yourself to focus on something you enjoy (i.e. reading, sewing, relaxing bath, painting, meditation, journaling, etc) and start each day with a positive thought at least 5 days each week.
Option #6 Eliminate all drinks from your diet except water, milk, unsweet tea, black coffee and small portions of 100% juice at least 5 days each week
Option #7 Record all food and drinks consumed at least 5 days each eight.
Option #8 Limit screen time-phone, computers, TV, tablets, etc (outside of use for work) to two hours or less a day at least 5 days this week.
Option #9 No eating after 7pm
Option #10 Eat dinner at the dinner table at least 5 days this week, and eliminate screens from all meals at least 5 days this week.
Option #11 Eat out 3 times or less this week, including breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
Option #12 Eat breakfast every day, include one serving of protein one serving of whole grain and one serving or fruit or vegetable.
Option #13 Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night
Option #14 Stand up and move at least once every hour, even if it’s just a stretch or a short walk around the room.